Since we’ve taken a couple of days off from the project and spent a lovely, restful weekend in the mountains (a non-ski trip can be better than a ski trip, apparently), I have no new photos of the renovation. So this seems like an appropriate moment to offer a shout-out to great neighbours. We’ve been very fortunate to meet the neighbours in the adjacent houses and across the alley, as well as a sprinkling of neighbours across the street and down the alley: Richard and Rochelle, Linda, Lorraine, Dennis, Deb and Didi (?), Zeb (?), Craig and Ursulla. Forgive me if I’ve mangled your names.
A couple of neighbours have come for regular construction review visits about once a week and came for the pre-demolition party back in early February. Of course, they always come to the back door, as neighbours do as opposed to ‘guests’. Note to self: install another door chime with a different tone for the front and back door so you don’t have to run from door to door like a slightly manic dog defending its territory. The neighbours across the alley have been kind enough to allow us to peruse their extensively renovated house in our grubby construction clothes late one night and shared photos of their massive renovation. Gives me hope that one day, we too shall be finished and will only have a photo album to remind us of the blood, sweat and tears of this project.
A couple of weeks ago, these neighbours brought the previous owner’s daughter over for a tour as I mentioned in a previous blog. Although she was old enough never to have lived in her parent’s rebuilt home, she remembered many intriguing details. I never would have guessed that the red shag carpet was a nod to their Polish heritage. Our changes were given the ‘thumbs-up’ – we’ll have to have her over once we’re done. As well, since the neighbours across the alley have been in their house longer than this house has existed, they watched it being constructed and have insights into its history. Dennis was also kind enough to fill in as impromptu handyman for the previous owner. So far, my only complaint with him is that the beam that was supposed to exist over the now-demolished wall, wasn’t there. You owe me a drink, Dennis. Yes, Scotch will do nicely, thank you.
And as for the expression ‘good fences make good neighbours’….well, in our case it may be ‘window coverings’. Just sayin’. Our days of cooking in the nude may be over. (I’m kidding, Mom! Really.)
Howdy neighbour!